Friday's Letters

friday’s letters.

Dear Friday’s Letters, this is new to me but I already love it.  Dear WordPress, I heard you were better than blogger.  Guess we’ll see.  Dear Facebook, See ya.  I deleted you and twitter two days ago and I’ve never felt more free.  It was a nice 9 years.  Nine is my lucky number.  Maybe our breakup will reap a beautiful reward.  Dear Olive, you are not a good runner.  At all.  You pull like an ox, sniff the trails, the trees, and you attempt to sniff other dogs while we run.  I have had to run off the trail and through the woods so that I do not trip over you while attempting to greet new friends.  Yesterday, our leash-tug-of-war led to an achey pulled neck and shoulder muscle.  I’m sorry to say that you are the weakest link.  You are no longer part of the 5K runner team.  I will throw the ball and let you do your favorite thing of running circles in the backyard instead. Dear Becca, you move in today!  I’m excited to get to know you.  I know we are going to have so much fun living life together.  You may or may not have a welcome banner waiting for you.  Dear Mental Health and Research, I am counting down the days [14, thank you] until you are finished. Dear Nursing School, in six months, I will be done with you.  Each day that passes makes me happier. Dear Fall, I cannot wait until you get here.  You are my absolute very favorite season.  Dear Carter Finley Stadium, this is my first year of not sitting in your stands every single [or almost] game.  I die when I think about it.  Dear Football, welcome back.  I have missed you oh so much.


17 thoughts on “friday’s letters.

  1. Found you on the link up! Congrats on deleting your FB and Twitter…I don’t know if I could! Ha! Well have a wonderful Friday


  2. So funny about Facebook! I deactivated mine for a year & never missed it, but I did miss seeing photos & caved. I got back on but don’t even have a wall. Basically I use it whenever I want to see cute photos of my best friend’s baby, ha. What great letters! Happy Friday!

    Significance or Nothing.

    • Christa, that’s awesome! That’s a good way to keep it to a minimum. If I cave, I’ll definitely look into that! Thank you for your sweet reply! Happy Friday to you 🙂

  3. Happy Friday! I found you from the link up. Congrats on giving up FB & Twitter! That is quite an accomplishment in my book. I am way to addicted at this point.

  4. I do not blame you for ditching your running partner lol! I would have too if I was you hehe! & good luck finishing nursing school I remember those days when it seemed I had no life & such! & even now being a nurse i still feel like at times i do not have one because work stays & keeps me so busy!

    • Haha, thanks Ashleigh! Still so busy? I thought for sure the 3 days a week would free up some time. I am excited to start adding new hobbies to my life!

  5. “Dear Olive, … You are the weakest link,” made me laugh out loud. If it makes you feel better, Riley is no longer welcome in the running club either. Love your new setup AND love you!!

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